Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Breaking the Habit

I am going to get my sorry butt outta bed. I have been struggling with not finding the time to be creative just on my own. I was afraid of it interrupting time with my family which is very important to me. So my wise friend Jeremy kindly told me I was a giant doosh bag, and I needed to just stop being a sissy and get myself outta bed earlier.
I was like "you did read if sleeping were a sport right"? Again he was unditered in his slander. "DO IT".
So without any help from anyone else I decided to get up early in the morning and have some creative time to myself. I am not unreasonable, I realize the first few days will be pretty much me staring off into nowhere land, but with any hope I will break the life long habit of sleep.
Next Jeremy will want me to give up oxygen.
"But I need it to live". "DO IT"

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